“We have a treasury inside of us that is the “Chalice.” In the Chalice we record, lifetime after lifetime, what we have learned to be truth, love, and life events and conditions worth sacrificing for. This truth, love, and sacrificial commitments no one can take away from us. This is a permanent part of us that shows the level of integrity and genuineness that we demonstrate inside and out. The Chalice is the birthplace of you as a soul. It is the seat of your heart. Whereas our physical, emotional, mental memories can be mixed with half-truths, our Chalice records only those life experiences that demonstrate qualities of undeniable love, truth, and sacrifice that are timeless, eternal.

How then do we access these recordings and, by doing so, clear out the mixed up memory banks of lifetimes? Here is a simple “seed thought” meditation. Do this for 5-10 minutes only every day, using one seed thought for one week.

Meditation: The Meaning of Love *
Sit in a relaxed manner, on the floor or chair, with spine erect. Calm yourself and focus yourself. Do not drift off into sleep. This is active thinking meditation. Stay alert and keep your mind focused. Ask yourself the following questions in sequence. Ponder on each question briefly. If you cannot maintain your concentration with eyes closed, keep your eyes open and sequentially answer the questions.

1. What are my physical experiences of love?
2. What are my emotional experiences of love?
3. What are my mental understandings of love?
4. Go deeper. What is the meaning of love that I can access from my deepest wisdom?
5. Are all the ways that I have felt, thought about, and experienced love true now? In light of what I am now, are these true and valid now as they were in the past?
6. Go deeper once again and ask for guidance from your Solar Angel: What is the best way for me to think about the meaning of love right now in my life?
7. After 5-10 minutes, open your eyes and write your answers to these questions. It is essential that you write your thoughts in order to complete the cycle.

Use one seed thought or keynote for one week. But do not think and write the same thing each time. Go deeper each time; find a new angle to understand the keynote.”– Gita Saraydarian

ŞØỮŘĆ€: https://omtimes.com/2014/03/cultivating-culture-heart/3/