“The goal of education is to eliminate all those hindrances which bring health problems, emotional problems and stresses, mental problems, and social and global problems. Until now, our religious and academic education has not given us a safe world. It has not given us a future we can be proud of. It has not given us clear skies, clean water, or food uncontaminated by insecticides, poison, and radiation. Education has not reduced or stopped the increase of crime all over the world. Education has not been able to uproot the causes of war, and so on.

“If education is guilty of all these things, one wonders why, then, we spend billions of dollars all over the world just to employ teachers, build buildings, and try to teach a new generation of mankind. All men and women of higher vision are waiting to see a change in education. Change in education will not be accomplished by a change in machines or the increase of the number of computers, televisions, radios, tape recorders, video and sound equipment, etc. It will be a change in the goals of education.”

“I envision the following goals of education:

1. To eliminate war from the surface of the earth

2. To make everyone in the world free from want

3. To eliminate every kind of crime, not by laws but through education

4. To transform the children of the world by cultivating in their hearts the vision of one world, one humanity, with great respect and appreciation for the culture of every nation

5. To wipe out the sources of disease

6. To build all the necessary steps to prove the immortality of man

7. To contact the Higher Worlds

“If people have such objectives and they mobilize the education of the world toward these objectives, the world will turn into a place to live, to enjoy, and to develop all the latent possibilities of man. (Educating the Whole Person, Vol. I, pp. vii-viii.)

Is this an attainable vision? Absolutely yes! What do we need to do to actualize this vision? We need to start our real education. It starts with you and me. It starts when we begin living by the dictates of Love-Wisdom, attracting the energies and behaviors that are beneficial for our growth, and repulsing the behaviors and addictions that are detrimental to our growth. It starts when we cultivate our minds and hearts together. It starts when we practice spiritual principles in everything that we do on a daily basis. It starts when we commit ourselves to grow and expand our consciousness through study, meditation, and service. It starts when we keep our commitments and make the right choices for the greater good. It starts when we move away from self-absorption, even in our spiritual practices, and go toward looking at the larger picture and seeing the whole.

ŞØỮŘĆ€: http://www.tsgfoundation.org/images/outreach/OR99Mar-Apr.pdf