Mind Set and Goals By Gita Saraydarian

In the Ageless Wisdom Teachings, we are taught to be one-pointed, determined, and focused in our life. We are taught to follow the purpose of our life, to set goals and live a goal fitting life. We are taught to set high standards and let our hearts guide us through our life’s journey.

In the process of setting goals, the inner standards that we have and use will determine the kind of outcome we have. Our physical health, our emotional belief structure, our mind set will color our choices. The simple act of setting goals and following them can be extremely helpful in our life, or it will start us on a difficult path. The results of goal setting can vary and manifest as one of the following:

• Deep commitment and faithfulness
• Fanaticism
• Fundamentalism
• Dropping out, not caring to go on any path, having no goals

Whenever we set goals for ourselves, we need to be mindful that we are taking care of our own personal needs and growth, and doing this in a way that is harmless to others. When a disciple sets his goals, he takes into account the effect his goals will have on others around him.

When we set spiritual goals for our life, it is important to ask the following questions:

1. Why am I setting these spiritual goals?
2. How do I expect to achieve them?
3. What tools do I need?
4. What conditions in my life will help or hinder me?
5. What effect will my plans have on others around me?
6. Are my goals selfish and exclusive, or are they inclusive and expansive?
7. What are the foundations that color my physical, emotional, and mental bodies?

The spiritual goals and plans must be just as realistic, honest, and clear as a sound business plan. When we work with our spiritual nature, the deeply complex human mechanism comes into play. Most often, we have no clue as to what lies hidden beneath our consciousness. As soon as we embark on a journey, everything hidden in our life comes out.

We will discuss four possible conditions that can result from the process of setting spiritual goals: Faithfulness, Fanaticism, Fundamentalism, and dropping out. Let us look at each of these in more detail.

1. Faithfulness

If we want to have a deep faithfulness develop in our life and a continued commitment to the Teachings and to our goals, we need to find out what faithfulness is and how it is accomplished.

Faithfulness is the most desired condition that comes out of our goal-oriented life. In such a life, we set goals and plans for our life that always take us along the path of spiritual development for ourselves and for everyone we come in contact with. We understand, deeply, that the principles that we believe in are good and will help us and others achieve their goals in life.

Faithfulness means to have a deep belief and understanding of the essence of the spiritual Teachings. You know, without a doubt, that the Light and Truth will always triumph. This can be due to conscious experiences you may have had, a memory from the Higher Worlds, or an imprint on your soul from past experiences.

A faithful person understands, intuitively and in his heart, the truth of the Higher Principles. Such a person lives a principled life no matter where his life takes him. His goals, his purpose in life are always toward the good and the highest.

How does this work? A faithful person understands, deeply, the foundation, the wiring system of the Teaching. Such a person understands the basic source from which we derive our entire understanding of our placement in life.

What is the foundation of the Teaching?

“The Ageless Wisdom is the path which leads to synthesis and unity…. The purpose of the Ageless Wisdom is to create synthesis. Each part and expression of the Ageless Wisdom stands for unity and synthesis; it teaches the steps of how to reach unity and synthesis.” (The Ageless Wisdom by Torkom Saraydarian, p. 24.) Foundational principles help us have the mind-set, the emotional balance, and health that will lead us into a pure life and pure goalfitting living. When we have these foundations firmly in mind, and when we live and make our decisions and base our relations with all of life on these principles, our choices will reflect our inner essence. Some of these foundations follow:

1. There is One Creator, One God.

2. The Spark of God is in everything, in every part of existence. God is the Creator. And in each of us there is the Spark of God.

3. The Masters of Wisdom, the Hierarchy, are composed of initiated men and women who assist God. They are Great Ones who have graduated from the human experience and achieved Mastery over Their personality lives. These Masters are assistants, workers, who help God manifest His Divinity on Earth.

4. God has a Purpose for our Planet.

5. Life progresses and the Spark of God moves from one kingdom to another: mineral, vegetable, animal, human, superhuman, angelic.

6. Hierarchy plans for the unfoldment of the Purpose of God. They inspire, encourage, and guide mature and pure human beings who will listen to Them and are able
to express this inspiration in their own fields. Inspirations are expressed in literature, social movements, science and education, music and dance and art, political movements, religions, financial and economic and philosophical movements. The men and women who are inspired by the Hierarchy and who in turn express and formulate these impressions are the leaders, the movers and shakers of our planet Earth. They are the heroes. They are the intellectuals in the truest form. They are the philosophers, the vanguard of culture. In every corner of our life, we can see the new thought, the new movement taking form, given birth by someone in the vanguard of society.

7. God sends His Avatars in time of great need. In various times of the history of the world, we saw very Great Ones, such as Buddha, Christ, Zoroaster, Lao Tze, Confucius, Mohammed, Moses, Krishna, and many others who are Great Beings sent to earth to help uplift humanity and reinforce anew the primary principles of Divinity.

8. The heart helps us understand the Teaching. We tap into these Teachings according to our level of consciousness and according to the development of our minds and hearts. It is the heart that understands the Teaching; it is the heart that guides us to what is true and not true.

9. The Teaching is organic, ever expanding, responding to the unfoldment of humanity. Our experiences, longings, invocations have a response from Divinity. The Teaching is never static, but each expression, no matter how far back in antiquity or how modern, still maintains the kernel of truth and connection to the source.

10. The Ageless Wisdom Teaching is expressed in the Seven Fields of Human endeavor. Each expression can be inspired by the truth, but it also reflects the person who is expressing it. Faithfulness seeks the truth in any situation. “The attitude of faithfulness is a search for truth and fact, no matter where they are found. To be able to pursue such a search, one must really believe that his faith is based upon a real foundation.

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